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Event videos available for purchase or pre-order.
Blu-ray discs offer outstanding quality, full high-definition video. Videos from Northwest Event Video on Blu-ray offer a resolution of 1920 by 1080 pixels at up to 60 frames per second. In addition to the superior pixel resolution of Blu-ray, you also enjoy superior color rendering and a much wider dynamic range when compared to standard DVD videos.
Blu-ray video discs can be viewed on various devices, including stand-alone Blu-ray players, some game consoles, and computers that are equipped with Blu-ray drives with the appropriate playback software.
DVD’s offer digital standard definition video at 480 lines of resolution. Compared with Blu-ray video discs, DVD’s are much lower resolution, have less dynamic range, and have a more limited color palette. DVD’s from Northwest Event Video contain video encoded in a progressive scan, anamorphic widescreen format for the highest quality DVD playback on modern televisions.
First introduced in 1995, DVD’s enjoyed widespread adoption and are compatible with a wide variety of devices including stand-alone players, game consoles, and computers that are equipped with a DVD drive.